William Ayot:
Working with Shame (Length 5 minute 04 Secs)


William Ayot:
Reading a poem Anyone Can Sing (Length 1 minute 38 Secs)



Anyone Can Sing 
Anyone Can Sing” was commissioned by Sistrum under the direction of Meredith Y. Bowen
Text by William Ayot
Music by Andrea Ramsey (Length 4 mins 34 secs)



 William Ayot:

Talking about Maximum Impact Masterclass (Length 3mins 30secs)



William Ayot:
William Talking about Poetry In Organisations and reading This is Your Time
(Length 4 mins 41 Secs)



William Ayot: 
Introduction to NaCOT
William Ayot talking about the work of Nacot (Length 2 mins 26)



William Ayot: 
Peoples Book Prize Interview
Email from the Soul – Winner
TPBP Best Achievement
(Length 1 min 15secs)